DbView         Database visualization


General description

Writing long command lines could lead to errors. Please have a look to the section "Tips and tricks".

dbview.bat <Command selector> [parameters]

dbview.sh <Command selector> [parameters]

dbview.sh <Command selector> [parameters]

Command selector Description
help Print the general help.
list‑db‑adaptors Print the list of all available database adaptors.
list‑table‑exporters Print the list of all available exporters for tables.
list‑soft‑key‑detectors Print the list of all available soft foreign key detectors.
profile‑list Print the list of all profiles stored in the repository.

Print the help for a given database adaptor.

help-db-adaptor <name of the database adaptor>


Print the help for a given table exporter.

help-table-exporter <name of the exporter>


Add a new profile to the profiles' repository.

profile-add <name of the profile> /other parameters/

Other parameters depend on the specific data source associated to the profile. Each data source has particularities (although data source configurations are very similar). To get the list of specific parameters for a given data source, you can print the help for this data source (see command selector "help‑db‑adaptor").


Remove a profile from the profiles' repository.

profile-delete <name of the profile>


Print a profile.

profile‑show <name of the profile>


Update a profile.

profile‑update <name of the profile> /One, or more, profile's parameter(s)/


Export the structure of a given data source into a given output format.

export -exporter <name of the exporter> /exporter's configuration/ [-between <name of a table>,<name of a table> [-limit <maximum number of pathes to calculate>] | -zoom <comma separated list of tables> [-zoom-level <value>]] (-profile <profile's name> | -db-adaptor <name of the database adaptor> /adaptor's configuration/)

Printing the help





Print the list of all available database adaptors

dbview.bat list-db-adaptors

dbview.sh list-db-adaptors

dbview.sh list-db-adaptors


This means that this version en DbView supports MySql and PostgraSql.

Print the list of all available database exporters

dbview.bat list-table-exporters

dbview.sh list-table-exporters

dbview.sh list-table-exporters

Each exporter generates a specific representation. Please read this link.

Exporter "dot-light"
Exporter "dot-medium"
Exporter "dot-full"
Print the list of configured profiles

Note: Please have a look to the following link.

dbview.bat profile-list

dbview.sh profile-list

dbview.sh profile-list

Add a profile

Note: Please have a look to the following link.

dbview.bat profile-add -db-adaptor <name of the input add-on> /profile's configuration/

dbview.sh profile-add -db-adaptor <name of the input add-on> /profile's configuration/

dbview.sh profile-add -db-adaptor <name of the input add-on> /profile's configuration/

Remove a profile from the repository

Note: Please have a look to the following link.

dbview.bat profile-delete <name of the profile to delete>

dbview.sh profile-delete <name of the profile to delete>

dbview.sh profile-delete <name of the profile to delete>

Show a given profile

Note: Please have a look to the following link.

dbview.bat profile-show <name of the profile to show>

dbview.sh profile-show <name of the profile to show>

dbview.sh profile-show <name of the profile to show>

Update a given profile

Note: Please have a look to the following link.

dbview.bat profile-update <name of the profile> /One, or more, profile's parameter(s)/

dbview.sh profile-update <name of the profile> /One, or more, profile's parameter(s)/

dbview.sh profile-show profile-update <name of the profile> /One, or more, profile's parameter(s)/

Exporting a database

dbview.bat export -exporter <name of the exporter> /exporter's configuration/ [-between <name of a table>,<name of a table> [-limit <maximum number of pathes to calculate>] | -zoom <comma separated list of tables> [-zoom-level <value>]] (-profile <profile's name> | -db-adaptor <name of the database adaptor> /adaptor's configuration/)

dbview.sh export -exporter <name of the exporter> /exporter's configuration/ [-between <name of a table>,<name of a table> [-limit <maximum number of pathes to calculate>] | -zoom <comma separated list of tables> [-zoom-level <value>]] (-profile <profile's name> | -db-adaptor <name of the database adaptor> /adaptor's configuration/)

dbview.sh export -exporter <name of the exporter> /exporter's configuration/ [-between <name of a table>,<name of a table> [-limit <maximum number of pathes to calculate>] | -zoom <comma separated list of tables> [-zoom-level <value>]] (-profile <profile's name> | -db-adaptor <name of the database adaptor> /adaptor's configuration/)


-exporter <name of the exporter> /exporter's configuration/

These parameters define the type of representation that will be generated. See the section "Database exporters".


-between <name of a table>,<name of a table> [-limit <maximum number of pathes to calculate>]

You can ask DbView to calculate the path(s) between two tables within the database. Please note that you may have several paths between two given tables. By default, if you do not specify the option "-limit" (this is equivalent to "-limit 1"), DbView calculates the shortest path. If you specify the option, then DbView calculates the two shortest paths, and so on.


Consider the following (MySql) database:

dbview.sh export -exporter dot-light -layout v -zoom Beginning,L1A,L1B,L1C,L2A,L2B,L2C,L3B,L3C,Arrival -db-adaptor mysql -host localhost -user root -password root -dbname mydb -port 8889 > graph.dot

dot -Tgif -Ograph graph.dot

Let’s calculate the shortest path between the tables "Beginning" and "Arrival".

dbview.sh export -exporter dot-light -layout h -between Beginning,Arrival -db-adaptor mysql -host localhost -user root -password root -dbname mydb -port 8889 > graph.dot

dot -Tgif -Ograph graph.dot

Let’s calculate the two shortest paths between the tables "Beginning" and "Arrival".

dbview.sh export -exporter dot-light -layout h -between Beginning,Arrival -limit 2 -db-adaptor mysql -host localhost -user root -password root -dbname mydb -port 8889 > graph.dot

dot -Tgif -Ograph graph.dot

You get two graphs. The previous graph and the following one:


You can zoom around some tables. This option is useful if you play with very big databases. Please note that you can specify a neighborhood area, by using the option "-zoom-level". By default, only the specified tables listed will the displayed (this is equivalent to -zoom-level 0).


Consider the following (MySql) database:

dbview.sh export -exporter dot-light -layout v -zoom t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8 -db-adaptor mysql -host localhost -user root -password root -dbname mydb -port 8889 > graph.dot

dot -Tgif -Ograph graph.dot

Let's print only the tables "t3" and "t6":

dbview.sh export -exporter dot-light -layout h -zoom t3,t6 -db-adaptor mysql -host localhost -user root -password root -dbname mydb -port 8889 > graph.dot

dot -Tgif -Ograph graph.dot

Let's include a neighborhood:

dbview.sh export -exporter dot-light -layout h -zoom t3,t6 -zoom-level 1 -db-adaptor mysql -host localhost -user root -password root -dbname mydb -port 8889 > graph.dot

dot -Tgif -Ograph graph.dot

By the way, you can get more details by choosing another exporter (here, we use "dot-full"):

dbview.sh export -exporter dot-full -layout h -zoom t3,t6 -db-adaptor mysql -host localhost -user root -password root -dbname mydb -port 8889 > graph.dot

dot -Tgif -Ograph graph.dot


In order to open a connexion to a database you need to provide parameters. You can specify the list of parameters through the command line. Or you can create a profile that holds the list of parameters.

Please read the section "profile".


In order to open a connexion to a database you need to provide parameters. One way to provide parameters is through the command line. In this case, you provide the name of the adaptor for the specific database you want to connect to, and you also give the list of required parameters for this adapter.

Please read the section "profile".